Consumer cultures, Ethnography, Political anthropology, Political ecology, Sustainability, Cultural sustainability, Cultural resilience, Policy-making, Knowledge
Medical Anthropology. B. McMahan, M. Nichter, in Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, 2011. Political Ecology
doi: 10.2458/v21i1.21134 My conclusion is that political ecology theory provides a better explanation than the resilience approach. In both cases, rather than primarily adapting to climate events, the ability of communities and households to cope with droughts varied depending on how they were integrated into regional economies and the world system when those droughts occurred. The major track is grounded in strong theoretical and methodological training in sociocultural anthropology. Upon graduation, Anthropology (Political Ecology) will be designated on their transcript as their major field of study. Note that the Department does not offer a minor in Political Ecology. 2019-07-03 Anthropology. Betsy A. Beymer-Farris.
Theoretical inspirations are taken from different sources such as political economy, poststructuralism, and peasant studies. Developed by Julian Steward in the 1930s and 1940s, cultural ecology became an influential approach within anthropology, particularly archaeology. Elements of the approach are still seen today in ethnoecology, political ecology, human behavioral ecology, and the ecosystems approach (Tucker 2013). Se hela listan på Political ecology criticizes a-political explanations of environmental problems and seeks to re-politicize social debate over the appropriate responses to environmental problems. Anthropologist Eric Wolf was the first to coin the term "political ecology" in 1972, while Blaikie's and Brookfield's "Land Degradation and Society" in 1987 is considered a landmark of contemporary political ecology. Studies of ecology and anthropology have at their core an implicit assumption that human societies are the products of adaptation to specific environmental conditions. In addition, the human capacity for culture is most often seen as a primary mechanism for achievement of successful adaptation.
Politics, ecology, and the new anthropology of energy: exploring the emerging frontiers of hydraulic fracking. Journal of Political Ecology 21(1) :222-236. doi: 10.2458/v21i1.21134 Abstract Political ecology is a field within environmental studies focusing on power relations as well as the coproduction of nature and society.
5 Connecting political ecology and French geography: on tropicality and Luisa Cortesi is a PhD candidate at the Yale Department of Anthropology and School
Political Ecology, political economy, Commodity Chains and Networks, Food & Environment, East Africa, tropical ecology, Sustainability and Environmental Change, livelihoods, gender, Environmental conservation, development. View Political Ecology (Anthropology) Research Papers on for free. Conservation, Political Ecology (Anthropology), Rewilding Conclusions: Power and Resilience in Gender-Territory Innovations Amid the rapidly paced changes examined in this book, different challenges and opportunities have arisen for differently positioned actors who, in turn, have been responding in varying ways and rhythms.
Scholars who stress the complexity of climate and social processes have critiqued such crude models from two different approaches: resilience thinking and political ecology. In this article, I assess the resilience framework through an analysis of the effects of droughts over a long time perspective, between circa 1800 and 1950, in two East
Recently, she has served as the chair of the Association of Social Anthropology in Oceania and is the past president of the Anthropology and Environment Society of the American Anthropological Association. Journal of Political Ecology, Tucson, Arizona. 3,366 likes. JPE is a free, peer reviewed scholarly journal (ISSN: 1073-0451), publishing on political economic links to environmental outcomes. It was 2021-04-08 · This graduate seminar explores these questions and the rich theoretical and methodological debates opened in environmental anthropology and related fields. It traces debates over nature, culture, and power back through cultural ecology, political ecology, agrarian studies, and science and technology studies.
The research group Power, Resistance and Social Change is a platform for research on the interstices of Political Ecology, Political Science,
Global Warming and the Political Ecology of Health: Emerging Crises and Science : Life Sciences - Ecology, Anthropology - Cultural, General. Singer, Merrill - A Companion to the Anthropology of Environmental Health, e-bok health; public health; medical anthropology; global health; political ecology,
Professor - Anthropology · 2013. Cultural Forests of the Amazon: A Historical Ecology of People and their Landscapes. · 2009. “The meaning of “tree” in two different
A peer-review, online anthropological journal owned and published by.
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Mullenite, Joshua M.. "The Political Ecology of the State: The Basis and the Evolution of Environmental. Statehood." Journal of Ecological Anthropology 17, no. 5 Connecting political ecology and French geography: on tropicality and Luisa Cortesi is a PhD candidate at the Yale Department of Anthropology and School
Power in Conservation: Environmental Anthropology Beyond Political Ecology: Carpenter, Carol: Libros.
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anthropology, and more specifically ethnography, has to offer to political ecology. Notwithstanding this emphasis on ethnography, I will not present here any ethnographic material, since my analysis will be limited to expressly methodological and theoretical matters.
159-176. Political ecology is a critical research field within anthropology and related disciplines that examines how and why economic structures and power relations drive environmental change in an increasingly interconnected world. Initially it was most well-known for investigating the practices and impacts of large-scale resource development projects in Political ecology is a critical research field within anthropology and related disciplines that examines how and why economic structures and power relations drive environmental change in an The way ahead is for political ecology is to enter into new conversations with related strands of scholarship, like, for example, with science and technology studies, with studies that concern human – animal relations, and recent work in anthropology on ontology and radical alterity. Political ecology is the study of the relationships between political, economic and social factors with environmental issues and changes.